While I've only had my iPhone 3G for 2 months in 2008, I've tested out almost 200 of the native applications from the App Store. Here are my favorites, presented in the order they get used in my typical day.
Google Reader: Ok, so I started with a web-based iPhone app, but I seriously use the heck out of this. I previously used the mobile version of Google Reader on my Treo 700wx, but man, the iPhone version is so much easier and quicker to use. I go through about 50 feeds every morning while on the couch watching TV.
Weightbot: I've tested out the Livestrong weight-tracking app, too, but Weightbot has proven to be much quicker & easier. Plus how can you not love an app with robot sounds?
reQall: For some reason when I'm driving, various "To Do's" just seem to pop into mind. With reQall, I can quickly record a note with my voice, and it's waiting as a transcribed e-mail in my Gmail inbox by the time I get to the office.
Urbanspoon: This is definitely one of those gee whiz apps, but it's been fantastic for trying new restaurants for lunch & dinner. I've tried more new restaurants in the last two months than I did in the previous year because of this app.
Facebook: I usually launch this app midday while I'm waiting for the microwave to warm up lunch. This is even faster than opening up the webpage on my laptop when I want to get a brief glimpse at what my friends are doing.
Twitterrific: Another app that gets checked around lunchtime. I have a mixture of personal friends I follow and some tech luminaries like Guy Kawasaki. Great way to see what's going on in my social network + breaking news.
Pandora: I don't even worry about constantly switching out the music on my iPod. As soon as I need some fresh tunes, I just fire up Pandora. Favorite stations include LTJ Bukem, Thievery Corporation, Frank Sinatra, & New Orleans Jazz.
Wunder Radio: I picked this up to listen to sports broadcasts, but it's also been great to listen to WWOZ & WTUL out of New Orleans even when I'm not near a computer.
i.TV: This app has gotten really great over the last month since adding support for managing your Netflix queue and scheduling recordings on your TiVo.
Sportacular: This app was indispensible during college football season. Great way to monitor scores on gameday whether on the couch or out tailgating.
Aqua Hoops: This was the first app I paid for, and still one of my favorites. I had one of these water games as a kid, and this is such a realistic representation. Great for killing a few minutes while in line.
Tetris: Loved this as a child, and love it now. The iPhone app actually works really well, too.
Tap Tap Dance: Like Guitar Hero for electronica geeks. I would've paid twice as much for this!
Rolando: Think Super Mario Bros meets Lemmings. Easily the best game currently in the App Store.
Night Camera: I've made a point of trying to take at least one picture a day on my iPhone and adding it to
this Flickr set. I use this app instead of the standard Camera app because it snaps the photo when my hand is completely steady.
CameraBag: I use this app to spice up the camera phone pics with its built-in filters before uploding the photos to the web. It typically yields very attractive results.
There you have it. Looking forward to more great apps in 2009!