Parking Lot On New Years Eve
Originally uploaded by Juston Western
A rather slow speed day at the office because of minimal manning.
The Various Musings of Juston Western
A rather slow speed day at the office because of minimal manning.
A dense fog covers Lake Woodlands on New Years Eve.
The little guy just wasn't ready to get out of the bed at 5AM.
He seemed unamused by the earlier-than-usual wakeup call this morning.
On display hanging from the fence in our backyard.
Ash ordered me one Christmas...awesome gift!
The Western men opted for some good German beer this Christmas PM.
TiVo'd the 3 hour Yule Log recording on WGN this morning.
I heard this song on the Music Choice "Sounds of the Season" channel about 2 weeks ago, but didn't decide until after it played that I liked it. Unfortunately, the song's artist & title information didn't stick to memory, although some of the lyrics did. I figured I could find the song info on Google via searcing by some of the phrases from the lyrics, but I ended up with zero results.
I tried various lyrics databases & even a couple of iPhone apps (like Pandora & Midomi) hoping I could sing or hum the song to find out the title. I even contacted their official @MusicChoice Twitter account in hopes of finding out the song since their website can't provide playlist information. Ultimately it took me leaving on the Music Choice channel for 5 hours today until the song was replayed before I could figure it out. Perhaps fittingly, you can't buy the CD from any major online retailer, nor was the track available for purchase from iTunes/Amazon/Napster.
Thankfully in the end, I was able to find the MP3 as a free download, albeit in 128kbps quality. This has been a glimpse into the Juston musical journey (or quirkiness, as the case may be).
This game was my Airplane Mode air travel game of choice over the past month.
Victory snapshot after I defeated the CPU when it landed on my Boardwalk Hotel.
I went with a variant of Combo 1.
T-Shirt for sale at the seafood & chicken restaurant, Cock of the Walk, near Auburn where we had a post-grad dinner on Friday.
Some a bit more meaningful than others, but each with its own utility.
Commencement Ceremony wrapping up my time as a graduate student at Auburn University.
Each of these apps has received quite the workout this month.
As pictured after being announced the winners of our semester project competition.
Logging laps on the classic this past weekend, courtesy of the Virtual Console.
My flight from Dallas to Houston was the first one I've ever gotten to enjoy Internet connectivity on.
This was a wall-sized photo of the FSU Stadium.
On our way back to Houston.
Getting creative with our dish options in the Tallahassee Marriott.
This took place the evening before her graduation ceremony.
The Bobby Bowden statue in front of FSU's football stadium.
A billboard advertising the service in the Houston airport.
Not sure how long this Super Mario Bros sound board app will stay on the App Store, but the $0.99 has provided some fun this evening. Now I just need to pop for the new Wii game soon!
Playing around with QuickMark. Here's one I generated for one of my favorite lunch spots.
Managed to catch the tailend of the Saints game & then some of the Giants game.
Playing Monopoly & 3D Rollercoaster Rush at the airport & on the plane really zapped the battery.
Celebrated with all the other MBAs at Momma Goldberg's starting at 10AM with a few pitchers of Yuenglings.
As seen on the wall at the Mellow Mushroom in Auburn.
As seen on the wall in Mamma Goldberg's on Thach.
Rather refreshing on a crisp December evening in Auburn.
Made for an excellent lunch of a Momma's Love sandwich, Momma's Nachos, & Momma's Brew.