I'm pleased to announce that I'll be speaking at the annual
TribeCon interactive conference in New Orleans on Thursday, October 27, 2011.
If you'll be in New Orleans for the
Voodoo Experience or just Halloween weekend, I invite you to come into town a day early and interact with thought leaders in the fields of music, art, cuisine, and technology.
Tickets are available here.
For more information on my talk, here's a brief description below:
The Phone You Buy 2 Years From Now Will Make Concerts Amazing
Most of us remember the first time we experienced a live music event. We remember when it was and how it felt...it truly was an experience. While it's difficult to predict exactly what the future holds for mobile music, it's clear that mobile technology will alter the way we experience music. Join us as we explore how the trends we see today will shape the future of live music for fans, artists, and promoters alike.