JustonWestern.com As Seen On My Desktop
Originally uploaded by Juston Western
A suitable photo subject for a relatively low-key Friday.
The Various Musings of Juston Western
A suitable photo subject for a relatively low-key Friday.
Retired from service after 10 years in the Western family. My first
new car & the only one that was driven as a "daily driver" at some
point during its life by every member of the family. ;-)
As seen from the third floor of the building of which the model depicts.
Complete with Popeye's, Zapps, Abita, and King Cake.
In Texas no less! All it took was a trip to The Bulldog in NOLA, an
Abita growler, an ice chest, and about $80 in gas. ;-)
The little guy just seems to panic when both of his humans aren't in the car during road trips.
With the pulsating blue dot marking the route.
He has the hardware proudly displayed in his bedroom.
Getting to watch my first Mardi Gras parade since 2004!
Having a couple of pints with Ashley and getting my growler filled up with Andy Gator.
Albeit calmly with a Chicken Tender dinner from Popeye's in The
About a 7 minute walk from my car to desk...almost as long as my
commute from driveway to parking lot! ;-)
There were originially 4 sunning here, but 2 of them dove in the water as I approached.
You can also see this from the bridge portion of Lake Woodlands Drive.
Loves the blankets & won't go outside when it's raining. What a
primadonna, right?
Until coerced by the promise of chicken.
And Mr. Blurrycam was there to capture the moment!
Apparently unamused with human antics, but still polite enough for a cursory glance at the camera.
Courtesy of the Logitech Mobile Video app (which has since been
removed from the App Store).
The Ardbeg Uigeadail was top notch!
If the license plate is accurate, this driver has many miles to go.
This just sounds like the opening line of a preview for a really bad
action flick.
This is becoming a pretty regular occurrence in 2009.
33% Increase In Spring 2009 Course Load = 50% Increase In Caffeine Consumption + 20% Decrease In Sleep Hours Logged
It's tough being a Texas Ranger.
Part of the "A Streetcar Named Inspire" campaign.