Since this weekend marks the 1 year anniversary of Hurricane Ike barreling down on the greater Houston area, I thought it would be interesting to take a look back at my Twitter updates from before, during, and after the storm.
These tweets began on Wednesday, September 10, 2008, as I came to realize Houston may be impacted by the storm, and end a week later on September 16 after we got power back in my neighborhood.
While The Woodlands was not hit as hard by Hurricane Ike as some areas of Texas, I think these tweets still provide a fairly compelling narrative of what it was like to live through the storm.
At the bottom of this post I'm also including two videos I shot during and after Ike here in The Woodlands.
Testing & e-mails @ work; errands midday; class videos in PM, along with prep for Hurricane Ike; the 10PM update shows a likely direct hit.
10:57 PM Sep 10th, 2008 from twitterrific
A day preoccupied w/Hurricane Ike coverage; found out @ 4PM that work was canx'd for Friday; came home & finished yard prep, then TWC/pizza.
10:04 PM Sep 11th, 2008 from web
All the gas stations I drove by in The Woodlands this morning had the pumps completely roped off.
7:01 AM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
SMS test in preparation for Hurricane Ike. If Comcast & Sprint EvDO both putter out, I'll try to post updates via this method starting early Saturday
8:38 AM Sep 12th, 2008 from txt
Starting to see the winds pick up here in The Woodlands; whose idea was it to put a community in a forest anyway?
9:50 AM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
@netfuel Thanks man! We're hunkered down. Shouldn't get crazy bad this far north. I feel for those in Galveston, though. Eeesh.
10:40 AM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific in reply to netfuel
It had been sunny most of the day here in The Woodlands, but now we've got pretty thick cloud cover.
11:19 AM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
11:45 AM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
It's gotten significantly more overcast here in The Woodlands within the past hour. The wind is coming in bursts, though.
12:46 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
Just took a long, hot shower...hoping it won't be the last for a few days; filled up the upstairs bathtubs for extra cleaning/toilet water.
2:20 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
Ironed a week's worth of clothes in case work is powered but home is not. About to knock out last of school assignments, then just waiting.
3:49 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
Had a first band of showers briefly blow through here; it's as humid as a sauna out there right now.
4:10 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
Ash just cooked us an awesome cajun chicken dinner; wanted to have a good hearty meal to hold us over until the Granola Days are done. :-P
5:12 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
Oh wow, here come the Tropical Storm force winds; just had a burst of leaves blow against my office window; that'll get your attention.
5:40 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
Decided to join into the block-wide Hurricane Party that broke out in front of our house.
6:18 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from mobile web
Starting to hear some first sirens around the neighrhood.
6:27 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from mobile web
Still hanging out with the neighbors in the street. Who knew this many people lived on the block?
6:55 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from mobile web
The wind is blowing pretty steady in the 20mph range. Outside & enjoying right now.
7:10 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from mobile web
Now inside for the night; darkness has arrived in The Woodlands, along with about 30MPH wind; still got electricity, but some dimming.
8:21 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from twitterrific
Polished off rest of leftover pizza; just heard there are 250K w/o power now in H-Town & to not expect power for 2-3 wks; hopefully sooner.
8:38 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from web
Looking at the radar, I'm expecting our power to hold up until about 11PM; prove me wrong Entergy! Make that $500 bill worth it!
8:42 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from web
Heard on NBC 2 that Bush Int'l is reporting 59MPH winds; we should be getting similar winds within the hour.
8:53 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from web
Had to put on my Tulane hoodie because we've got the air cranked down so low; Ash just went outside & said a neighbor's tree is precarious.
10:05 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from web
Can't helped but be amused that NBC 2 ran a commercial for Tina Turner's October show here in Houston during their Hurricane Ike coverage.
10:38 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from web
Going to catch a couple of hours of sleep & getting back up around 1AM when the bad stuff is predicted to arrive here.
10:54 PM Sep 12th, 2008 from web
Still have power here in The Woodlands; wind & rain are really whipping outside now; the next few hrs should be the roughest. #ike
3:33 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from web
Starting to get some small tree branches blowing into the back of the house #ike
4:08 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from twitterrific
Heard that Brennan's of Houston has been on fire since about 12:30AM & is still burning.
4:18 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from twitterrific
Yep, here comes the heavy stuff; strong wind & rain, and just had the power do a hard flash for the first time; cable dropped out briefly.
4:38 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from twitterrific
Wow, we're getting the brunt of the storm right now, but our power/cable is holding strong; Ashley & Puggles have fallen asleep next to me.
5:15 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from twitterrific
Just did a quick damage assessment peeking out both doors; lots of debris in backyard, but front yard looks pretty good.
5:27 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from twitterrific
Looks like we've got a fairly large tree uprooted in the backyard and leaning against the deck. Hoping it will be braced there.
5:54 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from twitterrific
Lost power at 6:17AM in 77382 on Entergy's grid. #ike
6:24 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from mobile web
Hanging out with Ash & Puggles in the dark & listening to branches hitting the house.
6:33 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from mobile web
Tree fell on the back of our house, but just seems to be resting leaned on the roof instead of coming inside. Sprint network is down. Relying on SMS now
7:02 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Ran into backyard to check on tree now that it's dawn. It's laying completely on roof and resting against chimney. Still crazy windy/rainy.
7:07 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
This tree on the roof is making some really strange sounds come out of the chimney. #ike
7:31 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Much brighter outside now, revealing tons of debris. Rain coming down in sheets still. Hoping the wind dies down by 10AM so I can assess roof damage. #ike
8:34 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
I see I'm getting Voicemails. If you're trying to call, just txt me instead. I can't get voice service anymore. Watching the wind & listening to radio
9:05 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Got better look @ tree; no wonder it came down: had roots like a weed; moved out of livingroom b/c it looks like wind may roll tree off roof
9:21 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Tried to catch a short nap; wind/rain is still surprisingly hard some 7 hrs later.
10:25 AM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Still waiting for this wind to die down. We've gotten much more rain than expected: backyard looks like a river.
12:35 PM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Wow, just walked around the street a bit. Our 'hood got hit HARD. A giant tree barely missed the front of our house. Trees down EVERYWHERE.
1:21 PM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
There is a giant tree blocking the road up the street from us. Our neighbor has offered to cut tree off our house tomorrow.
1:51 PM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Just saw a firetruck come down our street. Hopefully they will be able to remove the giant tree across the road.
3:46 PM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Made a full lap around the 'hood. Feeling pretty lucky relative to other houses. Lots of holes in roofs, missing fences, & water damage.
3:46 PM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Feeling much better after a nap & a shower. Thankfully still have some hot water. Took some damage pics. Will upload as soon as EvDO returns
6:51 PM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Had dinner w/neighbors via gas grill & our melting freezer meats; funny how nearby "strangers" pull together in times of turmoil. Bed now.
10:36 PM Sep 13th, 2008 from txt
Day 2 w/o power begins; had big wave of thunderstorms blow through @ 3AM; about to start cleaning up the yard. #ike
10:41 AM Sep 14th, 2008 from txt
Just heard rep from Entergy on radio say their system in Montgomery Co had catastrophic failure & will take a min of 2-4 weeks to restore.
12:31 PM Sep 14th, 2008 from txt
Drove around Woodlands some; so many trees are wrecked; found an open Kroger to get more water, food, batteries; no gas anywhere nearby #ike
5:20 PM Sep 14th, 2008 from txt
Sitting in a gas line at the Wal-Mart off 242. Glorious cold front came thru overnight. I feel like I'm in a 3rd world country.
9:04 AM Sep 15th, 2008 from mobile web
Got gas for Jetta after hr in line; now @ Wal-Mart to get more water, bread & cargo shorts; in line @ McDonald's to get a burger 4 Puggles
10:20 AM Sep 15th, 2008 from txt
Spent several hrs cleaning up the backyard & then the house a bit; now listening to radio & about to get some homework done. #ike
3:26 PM Sep 15th, 2008 from txt
Took a walk around the 'hood; looks like a lumber yard from all of the cut up trunks/limbs; considering Baton Rouge if Hewitt calls off wk.
4:48 PM Sep 15th, 2008 from txt
Hanging out over @ neighbor's house again, this time for spaghetti; thinking of grabbing a Hewitt laptop in AM & escaping to Baton Rouge.
6:37 PM Sep 15th, 2008 from txt
Came into Hewitt office; getting internet access for first time; hearing 80% of power hoped to be restored in The Woodlands by Friday.
12:46 PM Sep 16th, 2008 from twitterrific
Just read that estimated 100% Entergy restoration date for The Woodlands is 9/25. Also found out my work bldg flooded during storm.
1:17 PM Sep 16th, 2008 from twitterrific
Looks like the Sprint EvDO just kicked in here in The Woodlands; was getting 4KB/s, now seeing 50KB/s; near Research Forest & Grogans Mill
1:41 PM Sep 16th, 2008 from twitterrific
Spent several hrs in the office today catching up on e-mail/UPS testing; generators & Internet but no A/C; now across street for BBQ nite 4.
6:16 PM Sep 16th, 2008 from txt
Got power back at Alden Bridge in The Woodlands at 9:58PM!!! #ike
11:28 PM Sep 16th, 2008 from twitterrific