Singularly Focused On Chewing
Originally uploaded by Juston Western
Few things make a Puggle more content.
The Various Musings of Juston Western
Few things make a Puggle more content.
Alternate titles for this post included "When Lake Woodlands Attacks" , "Aquatic Park Benches" , and "I Think My Fountain Has Swine Flu".
My old MP3 work horse. A 60GB iPod Color which still serves as my primary daily listening device almost 4 years later.
Today was the kind of day I planned for when I purchased my MacBook Pro 15 months ago: 20 applications open, 3 Firefox windows totaling 62 tabs, Photoshop, Xcode, every MS Office application, & Google Earth. I love technology. :-)
It just so happened this skull-themed wallpaper rotated through Desktoptopia as I was looking at my Skullcandy headphones.
It's like entering the jungle every time I walk to or from my desk.
It runs wild with the visual stimulation provided by life on the other side of the window.
Adorning my manager's desk. Yes, he's a UT grad.
It's the end of April, so that means...paper writing time! So much paper writing...
Or a dead zone? *cue scary piano sound*
Beautiful weather, cold beer, and all-you-can-eat crawfish...not a bad Sunday lunch.
The little guy zonked out, listening to the rain hit the window.
All my notes spread out in Puggles' room as I try to logically correlate the gathered information. And a little Longboard Island Lager by the baseboard to quench my thirst.
This is where the trash goes in Hewitt's cafeteria.
As seen on my walk to The Goose's Acre for lunch this afternoon. Perfect weather for patio dining by the waterway.
Testing out a pre-release version of the Google Voice iPhone application. This is likely the final piece of the puzzle I needed to switch to my Google Voice 281# full time.
Looking for mail on my desk to eat, no doubt.
Note the full 3G coverage. Screenshot taken less than 50 ft away from my desk, where I get 1 bar of EDGE on a sunny day, & periods of "No Service" on cloudy days. Hey Ralph de la Vega: how about some of that 850MHz network upgrade love here in Houston?
He gazes curiously, wondering why I'm sitting in his room while the rest of the house is freely accessible.
After first being delayed an hour by a burning car on I-45 South, we were provided little comfort by all the warning icons along I-10 East.
Interestingly, no signage exists prohibiting threats such as weapons or narcotics. Of note, however, are the 1,300 popcorn-related deaths in The Woodlands this year alone. May God help those on the 1st floor.
My iPod Nano, Nike+ Transmitter, & Nike+ iPod WatchRemote chilling on a carpet coaster in preparation for their New Orleans debut at the Crescent City Classic this Saturday.
As odd as it seems, yes, I'm actually reading software development books for leisure. It's actually pretty fun & interesting learning about programming when it's in a "want to" context instead of a "have to" context.
The little guy can consume steak faster than I can drink water. Apparently chewing is optional in both scenarios.
The Green Wave couldn't pull out a win this day, but it was still fun
getting to see some college baseball again.
Seemed like a fitting choice for lunch in preparation for tomorrow's
Tulane vs Rice baseball game & crawfish boil.
Looking out across the water on a gorgeous Spring afternoon.
When he's this relaxed, he doesn't flinch when you put an iPhone 3 inches from his face.
Down at the University of Houston for an iPhone development seminar given by Apple Engineer Steve Hayman. Great way to spend an afternoon.
Pretty full after several days of rain here in The Woodlands.
This would likely also make a spectacular title for a childrens book...or horror film.