Posted this week's JW / Electronica Classic: The Crystal Method Live in Seattle 1997; Vegas-era goodness! http://tinyurl.com/qg5hzm
12:50 PM May 16th from web
Mktg work & Crystal Method music kinda day; Ash grabbed us Subway for dinner; now going to catch some SNL on TiVo then bed; early morn in AM
10:52 PM May 16th from web
Just used a combo of Gmail, Flickr, AIM/MSN Logs, & an AU football schedule to determine exactly where I was on 10/3/04; I love technology!
11:18 PM May 17th from web
Spent day writing for Mktg portfolio...made progress, but will need to continue work following weekend; crazy busy, but fun week awaits!
11:41 PM May 17th from web
Getting ready to head downtown to see @crystalmethod at the House of Blues Houston.
4:39 PM May 18th from web
Made it into the HOB for the @crystalmethod show; nice view! http://twitpic.com/5gnfh
8:09 PM May 18th from web
Posted a mini-review & pictures of the @crystalmethod show in Houston last night: http://tinyurl.com/oj37a9
12:05 PM May 19th from web
Great day of PTO after late Mon night; slept in, watched a Netflix DVD, ate pizza, got haircut, worked out, & geeked out in PM w/new router.
11:35 PM May 19th from web
@dudesy916 Battletoads but no Zelda II on that hardest NES games list? Did the journalist even play these games? ;-)
5:49 PM May 20th from web in reply to dudesy916
Steady pace @ work this week; went downtown in PM w/Ash for dinner w/Freddie @ The Grove; best steak I've had in Houston, & maybe top 5 ever
11:06 PM May 20th from web
Well dang, Google Voice site throwing up an Internal Server Error 500: http://twitpic.com/5ne3l
4:33 PM May 21st from web
Random day; odd calls @ work, Mom got in from Saudi, started Summer '09 semester @ school, then had chocolate scare in PM w/Puggs; he's fine
11:03 PM May 21st from web
Computing acquisitions hoped for next 12 months: Android Netbook, Palm Pre-esque PDA a la iPod Touch; iPod Touch 64GB; self-built Win 7 box.
11:48 PM May 21st from web
Slow day @ wk led to catchup on some projs; Which Wich for lunch then dinner @ Guadalajara w/Ash, her fam & my mom; now Astral Project DVD
10:25 PM May 22nd from web
Fun Sat w/gas grill shopping/Farmers Market in AM, then fam Crawfish Boil in afternoon; watched Rushmore DVD in PM b4 Abita-induced slumber.
2:04 PM May 24th from web
Fun Sun; rewired my network in AM, put together new gas grill, dinner out @ Hubbell & Hudson, then Slumdog Millionaire on TiVo Amazon in PM.
11:07 PM May 24th from web
Nice Memorial Day; steaks on our new Infrared Grill, a little class work, then some TiVo time w/Ash, Mom, & Puggles; now Chardonnay then bed
9:31 PM May 25th from web
Really enjoyed the Laurent Garnier Essential Mix; only gripe is the awful P-Diddy blathering on DJ Hell's track in hr 1. Listening again now
1:44 PM May 26th from web
Back in action @ work after long weekend; birthday dinner for my mom w/Ash @ Black Walnut Cafe; some school reading then hopefully early bed
9:02 PM May 26th from web
Man, felt like I got hit by a truck yesterday w/terrible fever; 1st time ever I had to call in sick to work; 18 hrs in bed seemed to help.
6:18 AM May 28th from web
@mokeymuffin Very cool picture!
5:47 PM May 28th from web in reply to mokeymuffin
Look out, jazzfest fans - Crawfish Monica is set to hit the shelves year round. http://is.gd/IrzN (@cmsour) (via @nojf)
5:52 PM May 28th from web
Back to work after a day of rest; made a library run mid-day, then had a Middle Eastern-themed dinner courtesy of mom; reading, then bed.
9:52 PM May 28th from web
@GuyKawasaki Have you experienced any performance issues on your MiFi like this Engadget commenter? http://tinyurl.com/lv2rap
10:40 AM May 29th from web in reply to GuyKawasaki
RT @mwikkid: 6 days left on Kickstarter proj. Like New Orleans Music? Like Electronica? Check it out & spread the word! http://bit.ly/nvoSs
5:46 PM May 29th from web
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